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  • What is myotherapy?
    Canine myotherapy is a branch of physical therapy focusing on the musculoskeletal system of dogs. It incorporates massage, stretching and passive movements of the limbs to increase circulation to the muscles and the whole body promoting the body’s healing processes. During massage, knots and pressure is released from nerves, muscle fibres and joints. This allows the easy flow of nutrients and lets the body relax into its normal position easing strain and reducing pain. Athletic dogs, senior dogs and dogs with orthopaedic conditions will have tense muscles that can be treated with myotherapy. This is also very relaxing for your dog as the nervous system is calmed and the feel good hormones, endorphins are released.
  • What is Bowen therapy?
    Bowen therapy is a non invasive touch therapy that applies soft and gentle moves across muscle, tendon and ligaments. The moves are applied and then the body is given a few minutes to settle and respond. Bowen also opens up circulation in the body and affects the connective tissues as well as muscles. This allows for deeper body tissues to rehydrate and loosen, allowing your animal’s body to draw out toxins and carry the nutrients into the tissues. This eases pain and facilitates healing. Dogs and other animals respond well to Bowen as they naturally relax and let the body be and heal itself. Bowne is ideal for animals dealing with soft tissue injuries that are move severe such as spinal injuries or post op recovery because Bowen is gentle. Puppies and pregnant dogs will benefit too.
  • What type of pets can receive a massage or Bowen treatment?
    Most dogs, cats can receive a massage or Bowen treatment, even mice, chickens and goats can receive the benefits of small animal Bowen. Canine Bowen therapy and massage is especially beneficial for dogs with arthritis, postural and walking problems like hip and elbow dysplasia, anxious dogs, dogs recovering from surgery and old dogs who don’t recover as well from activity. Active dogs can also gain relief and prevent injuries from overworked muscles with natural and noninvasive body work. Pregnant dogs in second and third semester and puppies over 4 months can receive a light massage or Bowen. There are some contraindications that will prevent massage which we can discuss with you before your appointment. Bowen requires your animal to be in an upright position requiring the owner to help keep the patient still and upright. Animals that are sick or have a serious disease (eg diabetes or cancer) or have an acute illness or injury, will need approval from a vet before applying body work. Animals must be free of parasites and their fur must be in a reasonable groomed condition.
  • What if my dog won’t let you massage it?
    I work with the dog and introduce it to touch and making a new friend. Massage isn't forced as the experience should be a pleasant one. The owner is welcome to keep the dog or cat in place or on a lead but the experience will always be positive. If the dog doesn’t want to participate then the consult is free and we can come up with a plan to get the dog used to the therapist and massage. If there is pain or discomfort the dog may resist massage and this could be indicative of an underlying problem. In this case a vet check would be advised.
  • What does a session involve?
    ​The first session will involve an interview about the history and lifestyle of your dog, a gait and posture assessment and a soft tissue examination to find where your dog may have problem areas. Massage or Bowen treatment will then be applied aiming to relieve these problem areas by working the muscles and tendons that are prone to injury or tightness from any conditions the dog may have. I may need help from you to keep your dog in place and help them settle. Bowen requires the owner to keep the animal in a still upright position if possible. We can also give you tips to make your home more dog friendly. All I need is a quiet room with floor space that is free from other dogs or distractions.
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